Interactive Writing System

#Blogging #Writing #Interactivity
Describing requirements for an interactive writing system.

Simplex: A Simple, Extensible Game for Exploring Machine Learning

#Games #Machine Learning #Clojure #Python #Simplex
Describing a game which provides a good environment for exploring machine learning.

Conjecture on n-sided Numbers and Their Sums

#math #conjecture #number theory

Informed, Random Walk

#Randomness #Clojurescript #Art #Nerd Sniping
An interactive post showing an algorithm which walks in a random direction, but gets feedback which updates the likelihood of moving in a certain direction.

2021 Reading List

#Reading #Books #Podcasts
A log of books, podcasts, documentaries, etc. I have enjoyed this year

2020 Reading List

#Reading #Books
My reading list for a wonderful, albeit wild, year.

Simple, Non-blocking, Push/Pull Example with ZeroMQ

#ZeroMQ #Messaging Queues #Programming #Push & Pull #Client & Server #Non-blocking #Python #TotalEmail
A simple example of a non-blocking client-server relationship in ZeroMQ using a client which pushes and a server which pulls.