2019 Reading List

#Reading #Books
  • Telling the Truth: Evangelizing Postmoderns (D. A. Carson)
  • Techniques and Assumptions in Jewish Exegesis Before 70 CE (Edward A. Goldman - link)
  • Current Hermeneutical Trends: Toward Explanation or Obfuscation? (Robert L. Thomas - link)
  • Hermeneutics and The Theological Task (Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. - link)
  • The Postmodern Condition (Jean-François Lyotard)
  • Towards a Theory of Software Development Expertise (Sebastian Baltes, Stephan Diehl - link and link)
  • Hermeneutics of New Perspective on Paul (Robert L. Thomas - link)
  • Modern Linguistics Versus Traditional Hermeneutics (Robert L. Thomas - link)
  • Research Debt (Chris Olah, Shan Carter - link)
  • It Is Written: Scripture Citing Scripture (D. A. Carson)
  • Semantics of New Testament Greek (J. P. Louw)
  • The Harmful Consequences of Postel’s Maxim (Martin Thomson - link)
  • The Impact of Postmodern Thinking on Evangelical Hermeneutics (Robertson Mcquilkin, Bradford Mullen - link)
  • Exegetical Fallacies: Common Interpretive Mistakes Every Student Must Avoid (William D. Barrick - link)
  • Biblical Theology and the Analogy of Faith (Daniel Fuller)
  • Biblical hermeneutics: a treatise on the interpretation of the Old and New Testaments (Milton Spenser Terry - link)
  • A Critical Examination of Jonathan Edwards’ Doctrine of the Trinity (Ralph Cunnington - link)
  • From a Broken Covenant to Circumcision of The Heart (Timothy W Berkley)
  • Must I Learn How to Interpret the Bible? (D. A. Carson - link)
  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (Mark Twain)
  • Redrawing the Line Between Hermeneutics and Application (Brian A. Shealy - link)†
  • Modernity, Postmodernity - What in the world are they? (Thomas Finger - link)
  • Programming paradigms for dummies: what every programmer should know (Peter Van Roy - link)
  • The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics (link)
  • Arguing With Scripture: The Rhetoric of Quotations in the Letters of Paul (Christopher D. Stanley)
  • Written Also for Our Sake: Paul and the Art of Biblical Interpretation (James W Aageson)
  • To Be Continuous - Ep. #37, The Man Behind Windows PowerShell (Jeffrey Snover - link)
  • As It Is Written: Studying Paul’s Use of Scripture (Stanley E. Porter, Christopher D. Stanley)
  • The Epistle of Barnabas
  • The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
  • Computing Machinery and Intelligence
  • The Death of Ivan Ilych (and other short stories by Leo Tolstoy)
  • Splendor of Grace
  • All That’s Good: Recovering the Lost Art of Discernment

Many more…

† Note on the “Redrawing the Line Between Hermeneutics and Application” article:

I could certainly be wrong, but this article’s lament that the New Hermeneutic has “[incorporated] the step of application into the hermeneutical process”1 seems to contradict Article IX of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics which says:

“We affirm that the term hermeneutics, which historically signified the rules of exegesis, may properly be extended to cover all that is involved in the process of perceiving what the biblical revelation means and how it bears on our lives.”