2025 Reading List

#Reading #Books #Podcasts
Books read in 2025: 6
  1. Superabundance: The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet [1]Author(s):
    • Marian Tupy
    • Gale Pooley
    • Paradigm shifting book
    • Basic thesis: resources get more abundant as population grows and human ingenuity will solve any problems that come up along the way

  2. The New Gardener [10]Author(s):
    • Pippa Greenwood
    • Helpful reference

  3. Domestic Science: Seasons 1 and 2 [10]Author(s):
    • Matt Parker
    • Steve Mould
    • Helen Arney
  4. Cryptography: The Science of Secret Writing [10]Author(s):
    • Laurence Dwight Smith
    • Fun read
    • Has some good insights and examples
    • Fascinating to read a book on cryptography from 1943 - before the ubiquity of computers

  5. Cryptography: An Introduction to Computer Security [10]Author(s):
    • Jennifer Seberry
    • Josef Pieprzyk
    • Helpful read
    • Very technical at points, but a helpful intro to the subject nonetheless

  6. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [10]Author(s):
    • C.S. Lewis
    • Great read
    • One thing that jumped out to me on this reading: the emphasis on the wisdom of not shutting a wardrobe door behind onself - he definitely knew that his book may provoke some kids to try to find Narnia and wanted to make sure they didn’t get stuck in the wardrobe
    • One thing that jumped out to me on this reading: after resurrection, Aslan first goes to the Witch’s castle to free the prisoners