My Words

#English #Language #Words #Definitions

The words we use open doors for us to think new thoughts. Personally, I agree with a weak hypothesis branch of the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis as supported by the “Russian blues” experiment. Because I believe that words are powerful and I have noticed that our language does not have words for some ideas and things I would like to articulate, I have invented (sometimes stolen from other languages) the following words:


Noun, the “ch” is a gutteral as in the word “loch”: A member of a set whose name and/or characteristics (usually just the name) has come to described the whole set. For example, Kleenexes are a lachem because Kleenex is just one member of the set of all facial tissue brands, yet the name has come to characterize the entire set of facial tissues.


Noun, the “ch” is a gutteral as in the word “loch”: A member of a set to which the parent set is viewed as having shrunk. An example is the term ‘UI’.


Noun, the “ch” is a gutteral as in the word “loch”: A member of a set which is viewed as being distinct from its parent set. For example, malware is a subset of computer programs, but malware is often viewed by the general public as distinct from ’normal’ computer programs. Therefore, malware could be called a machem.


Noun: A journey or travel in the rain.


Noun: A journey or travel in the direction of the sun (usually the setting sun).


Noun: Has the same meaning as the Greek word from which it is transliterated: a group of friends who gather to enjoy nothing else but sharing their life experiences, philosophies, values, and ideas.


Noun: One of your ideas which you find has already been described, accomplished, or articulated by someone else.

Verb: The act performed when someone describes, accomplishes, or articulates an idea that you had. For example, “She is going to egan someone.” and “I have been eganed!”.


Noun, pronounced with a soft ‘g’: The feeling when you realize that one of your ideas is an egan (see the two words above). This sensation is simultaneously an honor (because you had a good idea) and a disappointment (because the egan is already taken).


Noun: This word, invented by Jonathan Edwards, refers to “very weak inclinations which do not represent genuine convictions and do not issue in action”1


Verb: The action performed when one wears clothing appropriate for the weather you would like to have rather than the weather you actually have.


Noun: Derived from “stranger on road frequently encountered” refers to a stranger that you keep seeing while traveling.


1. This quotation is taken from footnote #2 here: Edwards, Jonathan, Perry Miller, John E. Smith, and Harry S. Stout. The Works of Jonathan Edwards. Religious Affections. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966, 99.